Getting your non-profit started the right way from the beginning is crucial. It can be the difference between moving forward with ease or having the need to take steps backward to correct or undo the errors that were made at the onset.
As a new Founder, oftentimes we wear many hats and are enticed to “do-it-yourself.” Nonetheless, we call ourselves experts in our field of Organization but have a tough time allowing the experts to take care of our Organization from the start.
Be Smart! Start Smart! At Armani D Co, getting new non-profit founders started in their Organization is our business! We get it done right the first time, so you can continue to do what you do best worry-free! Take care of your Organization! Here is a detailed explanation of the service we provide in our Non-profit Formation Package for new Organizations.
As a new Founder, oftentimes we wear many hats and are enticed to “do-it-yourself.” Nonetheless, we call ourselves experts in our field of Organization but have a tough time allowing the experts to take care of our Organization from the start.
Be Smart! Start Smart! At Armani D Co, getting new non-profit founders started in their Organization is our business! We get it done right the first time, so you can continue to do what you do best worry-free! Take care of your Organization! Here is a detailed explanation of the service we provide in our Non-profit Formation Package for new Organizations.
Nonprofit Formation Package
❖Entity Structure Set up
o Federal Formation
o State Formation
❖Non-profit application
❖Assistance with describing your company’s mission, Vision, and Value Statement
❖Assistance with describing your company’s past and /or future financial plans
❖Bylaws and conflict of interest policy
❖And MORE!
❖Entity Structure Set up
o Federal Formation
o State Formation
❖Non-profit application
❖Assistance with describing your company’s mission, Vision, and Value Statement
❖Assistance with describing your company’s past and /or future financial plans
❖Bylaws and conflict of interest policy
❖And MORE!
Schedule your Discovery Call Zoom Session to learn how we can service you with your Nonprofit Formation.
Ready to take the next steps in forming your Nonprofit? Click HERE to access our Nonprofit Intake Form.